ArtisBrowser Supports HTML5 Video and CopySafe

September 2018
New ArtisBrowser Supports CopySafe And HTML5

September 28, 2018 – The ArtisBrowser has been upgraded with new features to better support HTML5 video and all CopySafe copy protection solutions. Diabolical in copy protection mode - best web browser in normal mode.

Along with NPAPI and Java, Flash has been outlawed by the popular browser makers, possibly because what they tried to plagiarize and steal came back to bite them. Contrary to their propaganda, what has made these long time foundations of the web insecure is modern browser design and their need to do more with simple apps that would otherwise be useless. But the damage is done and Flash is no longer the acceptable standard for broadcasting video in all browsers.

Consequently, the ArtisBrowser could have been left without the capability of displaying video. But our most timely revision of ArtisBrowser has not only provided support for HTML5 video, but provided a new browser that many consider superior to all popular web browsers. In fact surfing the web with the ArtisBrowser is just like with any other web browser except for some download speed differences due to no caching. The only real visible difference is what happens when you load an ASPS copy protected web page.

ArtisBrowser version 27 is a complete rebuild with new features:

  • Switches from normal to protected mode as and when required.
  • Supported in all Windows versions including XP and Vista.
  • Support for HTML5 video, even in Windows XP and Vista.
  • Includes a variety of different languages already installed.
  • Prevents data and media from being reclaimed from cache.
  • Prevents data from being extracted from browser memory.
  • Prevents all copy, save, print and recording when required.
  • Now includes plugin support for all CopySafe solutions.
  • Now switches to protected mode when CopySafe found.

There are "safe exam browsers" which are mostly reskinned clones of popular browsers, but none can be compared to the protection provided by ArtisBrowser.

- Click for more info about the ArtistScope Site Protection System (ASPS).
- Click for more info about the ArtisBrowser.

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